```## tabid=examples titletext='SimpleWiki examples' subjecttext='SimpleWiki Examples' navigationmarkup=examplesnav menuid=inline <> == Inline decoration == |:p div float:right:|%s smaller%//[[Local:display/article/inlineexamples|view source markup]]// |:p posting:|posted November 21, 2009 === Span Decoration === In addition to the basic markup (//emphasis//, **strong**, and **//strong emphasis//**), there are a number of options available for inline decoration. ==== Class Decoration ==== Native inline class decoration includes %s superscript%superscript%%, %s subscript%subscript%%, %s underline%underline%%, %s overline%overline%%, %s strikeout%strikeout%%, %s smaller%smaller%%, %s larger%larger%% and %s mono%mono%%. Class decorators available on this website from the CSS file also include %s highlight%highlight%% and %s hot%hot%% (and %s hot highlight%hot highlight%%). Here's the source for the previous two sentences: {{{ Native inline decoration includes %s superscript%superscript%%, %s subscript%subscript%%, %s underline%underline%%, %s overline%overline%%, and %s strikeout%strikeout%%, %s smaller%smaller%%, %s larger%larger%% and %s mono%mono%%. Class decorators available on this website from the CSS file also include %s highlight%highlight%% and %s hot%hot%% (and %s hot highlight%hot highlight%%). }}} ==== Style Rule Decoration ==== You can also apply any css rule directly, like this: {{{**%s background-color:black color:yellow% This will draw attention! %%**}}} which then looks like this:**%s background-color:black color:yellow% This will draw attention! %%**. In general any appropriate css style rules can be used. See w3shools.com %l newwin%[[http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_reference_atoz.asp | CSS Reference ]] for documentation. Here's a handy list of color names supported by all major browsers: %l newwin%[[http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_colornames.asp | Color Name Reference]]. Note that the spans are closed with empty double percent signs ({{{%%}}}). === Special Decoration === ==== HTML Entities ==== As an advanced feature you can have inline html entities like the copyright %c html%{{{©}}} symbol (%c html%{{{&copy;}}}). Here's a list of the entities available: %l newwin%[[http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_entities.asp | Standard Entities Reference]]. Here are widely supported symbols: %l newwin%[[http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_symbols.asp | Symbols Reference]]. ==== Inline HTML ==== And if all else fails, you can have arbitrary inline html with {{{ %c html%{{{teletype words}}} }}} which in this case looks like this: %c html%{{{teletype words}}}.