```## tabid=topics titletext='SimpleWiki Topics' subjecttext='SimpleWiki Topics' = Topics = |:p div float:right:|%s smaller%//[[Local:display/article/topics|view source markup]]// |:p posting:|initially posted November 24, 2009; updated December 26, 2013 |:b divider:| ===== Tips and Tricks ===== ====== Allow javascript ====== By default Simplwiki does not allow parentheses in decorator values ("arguments"). This is to suppress the use of javascript. If your application requires parentheses in arguments, then you can change legal argument characters with a call to the parser's {{{argchars}}} method. For example, to allow all characters (including linefeed), use this call: {{{ $wiki = new Muster\SimpleWiki(); $wiki->parser()->argchars('(?s:.)'); // any character ('.') including linefeed ('?s:') }}} ====== Allow html entities ====== register the following method to allow embedded html entities to be rendered directly: {{{ $simplewiki->register_charfilter_handler(array($this,'process_htmlentities')); }}} Then define the charfilter handler thus: {{{ public function process_htmlentities($text,$node) // not using $node parameters { return htmlentities( html_entity_decode($text,ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401,'UTF-8'), ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401,'UTF-8' );// allow html entities } }}} For example {{{©}}} becomes © ===== What runs this website? ===== We've made this website as, well, //simple// as possible. SimpleWiki module components below are %s highlight%highlighted%%. ====== php code ====== * [[Local:display/driver/index |index.php]] * [[Local:display/code/pagemanager | pagemanager.php]] * %s highlight%[[Local:display/muster/simplewiki | simplewiki.php]] * %s highlight%[[Local:display/simplewiki/parser | parser.php]] * %s highlight%[[Local:display/simplewiki/emitter | emitter.php]] * %s highlight%[[Local:display/simplewiki/docnode | docnode.php]] ====== css files ====== * [[Local:display/public/framework.css | framework.css]] * [[Local:display/public/content.css | content.css]] * %s highlight%[[Local:display/public/SimpleWiki.css | SimpleWiki.css]] ====== javascript ====== * %l newwin%[[http://jquery.com/|jquery.js]] (see jquery website) * %s highlight%[[Local:display/public/SimpleWiki.js | SimpleWiki.js]]