SimpleWiki @endhtmlonly is a wiki markup parser and HTML emitter. Go to @htmlonly website@endhtmlonly. @version 1.2 @date December 26, 2013 @par Software roots: Modelled after and at - author of and Radomir Dopieralski - many of the regular expressions were based on @par The notions for decorator and block declaration markup were derived in part from the wikistyle and directive markup developed for PmWiki ( by its author, Patrick Michaud. @par Two steps: -# build document tree (parser) -# use document tree to generate html (emitter) @par Creole markup: creole markup is used for basic markup, generally based on\n \n \n \n @par extensions and modifications to creole: - raw url is minimally recognized separately from link for performance reasons - table markup requires closing (trailing righmost) "|" - link format => [[url or SymbolicLink:Selector, or \#anchor\n | caption (default = url or SymbolicLink)\n | title]]\n - target anchor written as [[\#anchor]] - image format =>\n {{url or SymbolicLink:Selector\n | caption (default = url or SymbolicLink) \n | title}}\n - symbolic links can be registered by client software - link and image captions are parsed - heading text is parsed - macros can be registered by client software - no link to wikipage [[WikiPage]], use symbolic links instead, or register rawlink handler - no alternate link syntax - no monospace, use inline span decoration instead (\%s mono%...%%) - for indented paragraphs, use dl markup (:), or blockquote or dl block declarations or instead - no plugin extension per se, though class methods, symlinks, events, and macros can be registered by client software - superscipts, subscripts, underline, overline, and strikeout are provided with span decorator @par Markup extensions: Arguments can be associated with most document objects through decorators and declarations @par - identifier=value ("=" separator) means attribute, - value can be delimited with double or single quotes - identifier:value (":" separator) means css style rule - value can be delimited with double or single quotes - value on its own means class or command (eg. zebrastripes) referred to as 'class method' - callouts for classes can be registered with SimpleWiki by client software - element selectors of callouts can vary interpretation of arguments @par decorators must be left-abutted to the objects they decorate @par Generally, elipsis (...) in the following means arguments: @par inline decorators => \%selector ...% (selector = l,i,s,c) - selectors = l (lower case 'L') for list, i for image, s for span, c for code. - if l, i or c are not immediately followed by their respective objects, deocrators are returned as text - s creates a span - %% = (empty inline decorator) is optional close for span decorator @par block decorators => |:selector ...:| (selector = h,p,ul,ol,li,table,tr,th,td,b,pre) - "b" is block divider and creates an empty div @par block declaration => (:selector[\\d]* ...:)\(:selector[\\d]*end:) - block declarations, both opening and closing tags, must be the first non-space characters of a line - opening tags can be followed by text on same line to prevent generation of paragraph markup - can be nested based on id number [\\d]* - native selectors:\n div, blockquote, # blocks\n table, thead, tbody, tr, td, th, tfoot, caption, \#tables\n ul, ol, li, dl, dt, dd, \#lists\n dlmodule, dlobject, dlsettings \#dlml (see @par macro => <> as (generally) specified in extended creole - can be inline, or act as block on its own line @par Usage: @verbatim $wiki = new SimpleWiki($raw_text); $html = $wiki->get_html(); @endverbatim @par Or for iterative usage: @verbatim $wiki = new SimpleWiki(); //once $wiki->prepare($raw_text); $html = $wiki->get_html(); @endverbatim or: @verbatim $wiki = new SimpleWiki(); $html = $wiki->get_html($raw_text); @endverbatim @par For auto_quicktoc, register the prepared event before getting html: @par @verbatim $wiki = new SimpleWiki($markup); $wiki->register_events(array('onemit' => array($wiki,'auto_quicktoc'))); $html = $wiki->get_html(); @endverbatim */ #========================================================================== #-----------------------------[ SIMPLE WIKI ]------------------------------ #========================================================================== /** Facade, and default method classes, macros, events and symlinks public methods. $wiki = new SimpleWiki($markup) - create object to process markup text note that SimpleWiki registers a number of default behaviours with SimpleWikiEmitter */ class SimpleWiki { protected $_parser; protected $_allow_html = TRUE; protected $_emitter; protected $_footnotes; protected $_footnotereferences; protected $_working_parser; /**@{ @name constructor */ /** The constructor for Simplewiki. The constructor does the following: - invokes internal instances of the parser and emitter - registers standard callbacks, macros, and symlinks @param string $text the markup text to be processed. @return void @sa prepare\n register_class_callbacks\n register_property_callbacks\n register_macro_callbacks\n register_symlinks @par Specific operations: */ public function __construct($text = NULL) { /// instantiate and save new parser $this->_parser = new Parser($text); /// instantiate and save new emitter $this->_emitter = new Emitter(); /// register standard class callbacks $this->register_class_callbacks( array( 'span' => array( 'subscript'=> array($this,'callback_span_subscript'), 'superscript'=> array($this,'callback_span_superscript'), 'footnote'=> array($this,'callback_span_footnote'), 'comment'=> array($this,'callback_span_comment')), 'link' => array( 'newwin' => array($this,'callback_link_newwin')), 'image' => array( 'lframe'=> array($this,'callback_image_frame'), 'rframe'=> array($this,'callback_image_frame')), 'paragraph' => array( 'nop'=> array($this,'callback_paragraph_nop'), 'div'=> array($this,'callback_paragraph_div')), 'blockdef' => array( 'lframe'=> array($this,'callback_blockdef_frame'), 'rframe'=> array($this,'callback_blockdef_frame')), 'preformatted' => array( 'html'=> array($this,'callback_pre_html')), 'code' => array( 'html'=> array($this,'callback_code_html')) ) ); /// register standard macro callbacks $this->register_macro_callbacks( array( 'quicktoc' => array($this,'macro_quicktoc') ) ); /// register standard symlinks $this->register_symlinks(array('Anchor'=>'','Local'=>'')); } public function __clone() { $this->_parser = clone $this->_parser; $this->_emitter = clone $this->_emitter; $this->_working_parser = NULL; } /**@}*/ /**@{ @name settings methods*/ /** Get or set permission to allow html in markup. ...from within "
" elements. 
	@param boolean $bool true allows html (default), false disallows
	@return boolean

	@todo trace and document how allow_html is enforced
	public function allow_html($bool = NULL)
		if (!is_null($bool))
			$this->_allow_html = $bool;
		return $this->_allow_html;
/** Set callbacks for class methods.
	@param array $callbacks [$nodetype][$classname]=>$methodref\n
	$methodref is typically  array(objectref,'methodname') 
	@return void

	$classname can be any valid class string
	Callback methods are passed a DocNode object, and are expected to manipulate
		and return that object
	This method is a facade for the emitter object (Emitter), to which the callbacks are passed directly.

	@sa DocNode::$type for $nodetype options
	@sa Emitter::register_class_callouts
	public function register_class_callbacks($callbacks)
		$emitter = $this->_emitter;
/** Set callbacks for property methods.
	@param array $callbacks [$nodetype][$propertyname]=>$methodref\n
	$methodref is typically  array(objectref,'methodname') 
	@return void

	$propertyname can be any valid class string
	Callback methods are passed a DocNode object, and are expected to manipulate
		and return that object
	This method is a facade for the emitter object (Emitter), to which the callbacks are passed directly.

	@sa DocNode::$type for $nodetype options
	@sa Emitter::register_property_callouts
	public function register_property_callbacks($callbacks)
		$emitter = $this->_emitter;
/** Set specific symlinks for link and image markup.
	@param array $symlinks  [$symlink]=>$value\n
	$value should be an absolute or relative html link (href/src)
	@return void
	$symlink can be any string of letters with a leading uppercase letter.
	This method is a facade for the emitter object (Emitter), to which the callbacks are passed directly.
	@sa register_symlink_handler
	@sa Emitter::register_symlinks
	public function register_symlinks($symlinks)
		$emitter = $this->_emitter;
/** Set symlink handler, to handle any number of symlinks.
	@param method $handler typically in the form  array(objectref,'methodname') 
	@return void

	$handler is handed a DocNode object, and is expected to manipulate
		and return that object.
	This method is a facade for the emitter object (Emitter), to which the callbacks are passed directly.
	@sa register_symlinks
	@sa Emitter::register_symlink_handler
	public function register_symlink_handler($handler)
		$emitter = $this->_emitter;
	Set rawlink handler. The rawlink handler is called for any links that are not anchors, external links (with recognized prototcol), or symlinks.
	@param method $handler typically in the form  array(objectref,'methodname') 
	@return void
	public function register_rawlink_handler($handler)
		$emitter = $this->_emitter;
	Set charfilter handler. The charfilter handler is called by the emitter where normally htmlspecialchars
	would be applied (the default), allowing clients to substitute alternate or custom character filters.
	@param method $handler typically in the form  array(objectref,'methodname') 
	@return void
	public function register_charfilter_handler($handler)
		$emitter = $this->_emitter;
	Set blockdef handler (and other tag type handlers). The blockdef handler is called for any known blockdef, with a param of the blockdef node.
	@param method $handler typically in the form  array(objectref,'methodname') 
	@return void
	public function register_blockdef_handler($handler)
		$emitter = $this->_emitter;
	public function register_vblockdef_handler($handler)
		$emitter = $this->_emitter;
	public function register_itagdef_handler($handler)
		$emitter = $this->_emitter;
	public function register_vtagdef_handler($handler)
		$emitter = $this->_emitter;
/** Registers macro callbacks.
	@param array $callbacks in the form [$macroname]=>$methodref\n
	$methodref is typically  array(objectref,'methodname') 
	@return void
	$macro callbacks are handed a DocNode object, and are expected to manipulate
		and return that object.
	This method is a facade for the emitter object (Emitter), to which the callbacks are passed directly.
	@sa Emitter::register_macro_callouts
	public function register_macro_callbacks($callbacks) 
		$emitter = $this->_emitter;
/** Registers events.
	@param array $callbacks in the form [$eventname]=>$methodref\n
	$methodref is typically  array(objectref,'methodname') 
	@return void
	$eventname can be 'onemit' or 'onafteremit'
	$event callbacks are handed a DocNode object, and are expected to manipulate
		and return that object.
	This method is a facade for the emitter object (Emitter), to which the callbacks are passed directly.
	@sa Emitter::register_events
	public function register_events($callbacks)
		$emitter = $this->_emitter;

/**@{ @name operational methods*/
/** Prepare the markup for processing.
	@param string $raw (markup text)
	@return object $this (so the method can be chained)

	This method is a facade for the parser object (Parser), to which the markup is passed directly.
	@sa Parser::prepare
	public function prepare($raw)
		return $this;
/**	Generate html from the markup text, as passed to the constructor, or to prepare.
	@sa __construct, prepare
	public function get_html($markup = NULL)
		if ($markup) $this->prepare($markup);
		global $profiles;
		$profile = array();
		$profile['parse']['start'] = microtime(true);
		$dom = $this->_parser->parse();
		$profile['parse']['end'] = microtime(true);
		$profiles[] = $profile;
		$profile = array();
		$profile['emit']['start'] = microtime(true);
		$retval = $this->_emitter->emit($dom);
		$profile['emit']['end'] = microtime(true);
		$profiles[] = $profile;
		return $retval;

/**@{ @name accessor methods */

/** Get or set the instance of the parser used by Simplewiki.
	The parser method allows the caller to set a different instance of the parser, 
	or to obtain the current instance of the parser.
	@param object $parser class Parser
	@return object, class Parser
	@sa Parser
	public function parser($parser = NULL)
		if (!is_null($parser))
			$this->_parser = $parser;
		return $this->_parser;
/** Get or set the instance of the emitter used by Simplewiki.
	The emitter method allows the caller to set a different instance of the emitter, 
	or to obtain the current instance of the emitter.
	@param $emitter object, optional, class Emitter
	@sa Emitter
	public function emitter($emitter = NULL )
		if (!is_null($emitter))
			$this->_emitter = $emitter;
		return $this->_emitter;
/** Get metadata from prepared markup.
	Gets the metadata from the metadata section of the parsed markup.
	@return object
	@sa Parser::metadata
	public function get_metadata()
		return $this->_parser->metadata();
/** Get marker data from prepared markup.
	@return object
	@sa Parser::markerdata
	public function get_markerdata()
		return $this->_parser->markerdata();
/** Get markup from prepared markup.
	@return string
	@sa Parser::preprocessed_markup
	public function get_preprocessed_markup()
		return $this->_parser->preprocessed_markup();

	#-----------------------------[ STANDARD CLASS CALLBACKS ]-----------------------------#
/**@{ @name standard class callbacks

Standard class callbacks are registered in the constructor (__construct) with register_class_callbacks

/** Standard callback |:p nop:| (no paragraph).
	@param object $node class DocNode
	@return object DocNode
	public function callback_paragraph_nop($node)
		$node->opentag_head = '';
		$node->opentag_tail = '';
		$node->closetag = '';
		$node->decoration = new StdClass;
		return $node;
/** Standard callback |:p div:| (paragraph to div).
	@param object $node class DocNode
	@return object DocNode
	public function callback_paragraph_div($node)
		$node->opentag_head = 'opentag_tail = '>';
		$node->closetag = '';
		return $node;
/** Standard callback %c html% code to html.
	@param object $node class DocNode
	@return object DocNode
	public function callback_code_html($node)
		if ($this->_allow_html)
			$node->opentag_head = '';
			$node->opentag_tail = '';
			$node->closetag = '';
			$node->escapecontent = FALSE;
			$node->decoration = new StdClass;
		return $node;
/** Standard callback (:div frame:) frame.
	@param object $node class DocNode
	@return object DocNode
	public function callback_blockdef_frame($node)
		if ($node->blocktag != 'div') return $node;
		$node->decoration->classes[] = 'frame';
		return $node;
/** Standard callback left or right frame. \%i lframe%{{... or  \%i lframe%{{...
	@param object $node class DocNode
	@return object DocNode
	public function callback_image_frame($node)
		$lframeindex = array_search('lframe',$node->decoration->classes);
		$rframeindex = array_search('rframe',$node->decoration->classes);
		if ($lframeindex === FALSE) // must be rframe
			$orientation = 'rframe';
		else // must be lframe;
			$orientation = 'lframe';
		$opentag_head = $node->opentag_head;
		$opentag_tail = $node->opentag_tail;
		$opentag_head = "
" . $opentag_head; $opentag_tail .= "
"; $node->opentag_head = $opentag_head; $node->opentag_tail = $opentag_tail; return $node; } /** Standard callback block html. |:pre html:|{{{... pre to html. @param object $node class DocNode @return object DocNode */ public function callback_pre_html($node) { if ($this->_allow_html) { $node->opentag_head = ''; $node->opentag_tail = ''; $node->closetag = ''; $node->escapecontent = FALSE; $node->decoration = new StdClass; } return $node; } /** Standard callback \%s comment%...%%. @param object $node class DocNode @return object DocNode */ public function callback_span_comment($node) { $node->opentag_head = ''; $node->opentag_tail = ''; $node->closetag = ''; $node->decoration = new StdClass; $node->elementcontent = ''; return $node; } /** Standard callback \%s footnote%...%%. @param object $node class DocNode @return object DocNode */ public function callback_span_footnote($node) { $footnotes = $this->_footnotes; if (empty($footnotes)) // inititalize footnote system { $footnotes = new StdClass; $footnotes->count = 0; $footnotes->list = array(); if (empty($this->_working_parser)) $this->_working_parser = new Parser(''); $this->register_events( array('onafteremit' => array($this,'render_footnotes'))); } // set aside footnote $footnote = $footnotes->list[] = $node; $count = $footnote->id = ++$footnotes->count; // generate markup for link $parser = $this->_working_parser; $markup = '%s superscript%[[#footnotemarker' . $count . ']][[#footnote' . $count . '|[' . $count.']]]%%'; $dom = $parser->prepare($markup)->parse(); // replace footnote body with reference in body of text $span = $dom->children[0]->children[0]; // document/paragraph $span->parent = $footnote->parent; $footnote->parent = NULL; $this->_footnotes = $footnotes; // create lookups for referenced footnotes $footnote->rendered = FALSE; $footnotereference = @$footnote->decoration->attributes['footnotereference']; if (!empty($footnotereference)) { $this->_footnotereferences[$footnotereference][] = $footnote; } // fix and return footnote link span $span->elementcontent = $this->_emitter->emit_children($span); $span = $this->callback_span_superscript($span); // set html elements return $span; } /** Standard callback \%s superscript%. @param object $node class DocNode @return object DocNode */ public function callback_span_superscript($node) { $node->opentag_head = 'opentag_tail = '>'; $node->closetag = ''; unset($node->decoration->classes[array_search('superscript',$node->decoration->classes)]); return $node; } /** Standard callback \%s subscript%. @param object $node class DocNode @return object DocNode */ public function callback_span_subscript($node) { $node->opentag_head = 'opentag_tail = '>'; $node->closetag = ''; unset($node->decoration->classes[array_search('subscript',$node->decoration->classes)]); return $node; } /** Standard callback \%l newwin%[[... @param object $node class DocNode @return object DocNode */ public function callback_link_newwin($node) { $node->decoration->attributes['target'] = '_blank'; $node->decoration->attributedelimiters['target'] = '"'; unset($node->decoration->classes[array_search('newwin',$node->decoration->classes)]); return $node; } /**@}*/ #-----------------------------[ DEFAULT MACROS ]----------------------------------# /**@{@name standard macros */ /** quicktoc macro. enclosing div is given class 'quicktoc-platform'\n to suppress heading inclusion, give header element the attribute toc=no */ public function macro_quicktoc($node) { $caption = $node->caption; if (!$caption) $caption = 'Table of Contents'; # move to root of document $document = $this->_parser->get_selected_ancestor($node,array('document')); # collect all headings $contents = array(); $contents = $this->macro_quicktoc_assemble_headings($document,$contents); # set data for content line items $contentheadings = array(); $count = 0; foreach ($contents as $heading) { // assign id $count++; $sessionid = 'heading' . $count; $headingid = @$heading->decoration->attributes['id']; if (is_null($headingid)) { $headingid = $heading->decoration->attributes['id'] = $sessionid; $heading->decoration->attributedelimiters['id'] = '"'; } $heading->decoration->attributes['contentsid'] = $sessionid; $heading->decoration->attributedelimiters['contentsid'] = '"'; $contentheading = new StdClass; $contentheading->id = $headingid; // assign text $contentheading->text = $this->_emitter->emit_node_text($heading); // assign level $contentheading->level = $heading->level; $contentheading->nesting = $heading->nesting; $contentheadings[] = $contentheading; } # generate markup for table of contents if (!empty($contentheadings)) { $markup = ''; // calculate relative depth, beginning with 1 $contentdepth = 1; $previouscontentdepth = $contentdepth; $contentdepthstack = array(); $flooroffset = 0; // lowest depth, controlled by nesting $flooroffsetstack = array(); // make sure there is no change for first item // - markup requires starting depth of 1 $previouslevel = $contentheadings[0]->level; $previouslevelstack = array(); $previousnestinglevel = $contentheadings[0]->nesting; // process collected elements foreach ($contentheadings as $contentheading) { // calculate depth $level = $contentheading->level; $nestinglevel = $contentheading->nesting; if ($nestinglevel > $previousnestinglevel) { // save state array_push($flooroffsetstack,$flooroffset); array_push($contentdepthstack,$contentdepth); array_push($previouslevelstack,$previouslevel); // set floor $flooroffset = $contentdepth; } elseif ($nestinglevel < $previousnestinglevel) { // restore state if (!empty($flooroffsetstack)) { $flooroffset = array_pop($flooroffsetstack); $contentdepth = array_pop($contentdepthstack); $previouslevel = array_pop($previouslevelstack); } } if ($level > $previouslevel) $contentdepth++; elseif ($level < $previouslevel) $contentdepth--; $contentdepth = min($level,$contentdepth); $contentdepth = max($contentdepth,1); $previouslevel = $level; $previousnestinglevel = $nestinglevel; $previouscontentdepth = $contentdepth; // generate markup $markup .= str_repeat('*',$contentdepth + $flooroffset) . '[[#' . $contentheading->id . '|' . $contentheading->text . "]]\n"; } // enclose markup $caption = preg_replace('/\\n/','',$caption); // to allow \\ (newline) markup in caption $markup = "(:div id=quicktoc-platform:)\n (:div id=quicktoc-header:)\n |:p div id=quicktoc-caption quicktoc-closed:|%c html%{{{" . $caption . "}}}\n (:divend:)\n (:div id=quicktoc-body:)\n" . $markup . "\n (:divend:)\n (:divend:)\n"; # generate html for table of contents // allow html $allowhtml = $this->allow_html(); $this->allow_html(TRUE); $wiki = new SimpleWiki($markup); $wiki->register_symlinks($this->emitter()->symlinks()); $wiki->register_symlink_handler($this->emitter()->symlink_handler()); $node->output = $wiki->get_html(); $this->allow_html($allowhtml); } return $node; } /**@}*/ protected function macro_quicktoc_assemble_headings($node,$contents) { static $nesting = -1; $nesting++; $isheading = false; if ($node->type == DocNode::HEADING) { $notoc = @$node->decoration->attributes['toc'] == 'no'; if ($notoc) { unset($node->decoration->attributes['toc']); } else { $isheading = TRUE; $node->nesting = $nesting; $contents[] = $node; } } if (!$isheading) { $children = $node->children; if (!empty($children)) { foreach ($children as $child) { $contents = $this->macro_quicktoc_assemble_headings($child,$contents); } } } $nesting--; return $contents; } #----------------------[ NATIVE EVENT CALLBACKS ]--------------------------# /**@{ @name standard event methods */ # triggered at onafteremit event... public function render_footnotes($document) { $footnotes = $this->_footnotes->list; $markup = ''; foreach ($footnotes as $footnote) { if ($footnote->rendered) continue; // has been rendered as reference to other // render base footnote $id = $footnote->id; $markup .= '* [[#footnotemarker' . $id . '|^]][' . $id .'][[#footnote' . $id . ']]'; $footnotename = @$footnote->decoration->attributes['footnotename']; if (!empty($footnotename)) // possibly referenced by others { $references = @$this->_footnotereferences[$footnotename]; if (!empty($references)) // add references { foreach ($references as $reference) { $ref = $reference->id; $markup .= ' [[#footnotemarker' . $ref . '|^]][' . $ref .'][[#footnote' . $ref . ']]'; $reference->rendered=true; } } } $elementcontent = $footnote->elementcontent; $elementcontent = preg_replace('/\\n/','',$elementcontent); // to allow \\ (newline) markup in footnotes $markup .= ' %c html%{{{' . $elementcontent . "}}}\n"; } // wrap footnote block $markup = "\n|:b divider:|\n----\n" . "(:div footnoteblock:)\n======Footnotes:======\n" . $markup . "(:divend:)\n"; // allow html $allowhtml = $this->allow_html(); $this->allow_html(TRUE); $wiki = new SimpleWiki($markup); $wiki->register_symlinks($this->emitter()->symlinks()); $wiki->register_symlink_handler($this->emitter()->symlink_handler()); $document->closetag .= $wiki->get_html(); $this->allow_html($allowhtml); return $document; } // $wiki->register_events(array('onemit' =>array($wiki,'auto_quicktoc'))); public function auto_quicktoc($document) { $markup = '<>'; if (empty($this->_working_parser)) $this->_working_parser = new Parser(''); $parser = $this->_working_parser; $dom = $parser->prepare($markup)->parse(); $tocnode = $dom->children[0]; $tocnode->parent = $document; array_unshift($document->children,$tocnode); return $document; } }